Jun 25, 2012

A Letter to Future Me

Dear future Joanna,

1. On 11 June 2012, you started your very first job as a Forex coach. The company was very flexible and far from formal. People got to wear jeans and t-shirt to work. Your wish in wearing formal-yet-chic attire once you entered the workforce and perhaps starting a blog about it was not accomplished. You tried going to work with those outfits and you felt out of place.

2. You had to learn a lot of things from zero. People say “everyone needs to start from somewhere” but you still felt that you were so far behind from everyone else.

3. Remember that time when the Forex analyst asked you some Accounting-related questions and you couldn’t really answer them? Apparently what you have learned in college had turned out to be somewhat different from the real-life scenarios. But after a while, you let go your guilt since “imagine-you-were-an-Accountant-in-a-central-bank” questions were just too advanced for a fresh grad.

4. I don’t know whether you’re still experiencing this in the future (I hope not), but you felt so sleep-deprived. Maybe you had not get used to it yet. To keep your eyes open around 5pm in the office was harder than staying focused in a boring class.

5. People were nice there though. I think I might consider myself lucky because to some people this was their kind of workplace to settle in.

6. Although you still had more things to study than to work on (3 month-probation, remember?), you were expecting your very first salary like a parent expecting a child (right, Jo? Don’t lie! Lol).

xo, Jo

1 comment:

Amber Lucas A Mused Blog said...

I remember when my boyfriend first graduated college, he thought that he was going to get this amazing high paying job...and he forgot how lucky he was just to HAVE a job after graduation. He graduated at the very height of the depression too.

Tell your future self not to worry. You'll make it!