Aug 23, 2009


I thought my spanish exam was fine till.....
I realized my mistakes! Urgh!
I thought I'd ace it :( didn't expect the jumbled words part at all.
It should've been easy though, but as usual, I just couldnt help making stupid mistakes =.=
and the oral test as well. It was fine though, but I just dont feel confident with my answers. I know the words! But i got too nervous so i forgot some of it -.-
I dont think I can get 97/100 again :'(
My typical stupid case: I'm too focused on the difficult ones so I forget the easy ones.
Ok let's move on, it's already over.

It's been a while since I had weird dreams and last night I had one again.
It was like a high school trip. I think all Fairview friends were there, even Kyong Mi!
Omg I was sooo shocked, moreover she was in a... wheelchair. (????)
The strange thing is I didn't ask what had happened to her, instead I asked was it permanent or not. (????) Ok I remember I did say that but what I meant I guess was whether she had to use the wheelchair permanently or not. She could be in some treatment or what that required her to use the wheelchair right? And she was like yeah, my mom wants me to. O.o (*another*????)
My understanding was that she could choose to use it or not but her mom wanted her to use it all the time? Maybe. But I really hope there's nothing bad happened to her in real life and make this dream as another weird dream of mine.

I felt like I really had fun back then, kinda miss it.

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