Nov 1, 2009

Semester break!

The exam week is over~~~!
And now it's time for semester break! :DD

Let's recap of what has been happening this week.

It was unexpected but the band 'we shot the moon' just began a live video chat when i just logged in my twitter. I guess it was a practice before the video chat of the NEXT day? with someone else :)
but anyway the guys were nice and funny ;)

DIEGO's video chat!!! Yeah i was so waiting for tuesday to come. I couldnt sleep at the night before, i set the alarm to wake me up but i woke up before the alarm rang! hahaha. too excited maybe? :P There were so many people so he didnt see my questions i guess :/ but i think i was smiling for half an hour just looking at and listening to him :PP

Nothin special happened. Exam?

Study study study and day dreaming about the upcoming weekend X)

It's finally over!

Halloween! We went to sg science centre for the celebration and we thought ALL people would dress up but at first we just saw the kids did lol. Only some of the adults dressed up and i guess they thought they could only dress up as scary characters, while me and my friend.. hmm luckily we didnt dress up so much, otherwise we would be out of place, ha~ but yea we were trying to be a gypsy woman and a sexy waitress. LOL?
She was so freaked out by the "ghosts" even the kids werent that afraid. haha.
First we were going through the 'night horror trail' (the best part) XD then watching some kind of a show where a rubber guy didnt die getting struck by lightning (?), then looking at the exhibition "body worlds" where we could see human body (real) parts (idk how they made it but it was cool and gross at the same time, too bad that no photo taking allowed), then heading to fill our stomachs (Mcd's at 9.30 PM, felt sorry for my body) anddd attending a sort of discussion about ghosts(?). Oh, and chatting about ghost stories for an hour before going back home XD. I reached home with dead feet.

Sunday (today):
Skipped the morning mass and being laaaazzzzyyyyy. Still going for afternoon mass tho. Im a good girl ;)

Happy holidays for me! ;)) (not being sarcastic to those having exams currently)

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